Conference Programme

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Programme Overview


Challenges of fBIG, small, Rightg Data


NTENT & Northeastern University, USA, and UPF, Catalonia

Abstract. Big data is trendy, but there are any possible interpretations of its real impact, as well as the opportunities, risks and technological challenges. We will start with two key questions: can a company use big data? If so, should it? The opportunities are clear, while the challenges are many, including scalability, bias, and privacy on the problem side, as well as transparency, explainability, and ethics on the machine learning side. So we perform an analysis that includes all the data pipeline process. At the end we will conclude that what is important is the right data, not big data. In fact, the real challenge today, is machine learning for small data.


Mild abstraction in spatial problem solving

Christian FREKSA

University of Bremen

Abstract. Everyday spatial problems such as tying shoelaces, untangling cables, locating objects, opening doors, matching shapes, finding routes, solving puzzles, ... are embedded in 3-dimensional physical space and their solutions need to be manifested in physical space. Such problems can be solved either directly in space by means of perception and manipulation or they can be transformed into abstract representations in order to be solved by reasoning or computation and subsequently transformed back into physical space. In my contribution I will compare the two approaches and I will discuss how they can be combined. I will introduce the notion of mild abstraction as a way of combining the best features of both worlds, present a variety of forms of mild abstraction, demonstrate their uses for spatial problem solving, and propose that mild abstraction can be exploited for non-spatial domains, as well.


What needs to be done to ensure the ethical use of AI?


ICREA / Institut de Biologia Evolutiva (UPF-CSIC)

Abstract. It is now clear to even the greatest doubters that AI is a powerful technology with considerable practical usage. But it has also become clear that this usage can be both positive and negative. AI can improve healthcare, aid environmental monitoring, support community formation, make culture more widely accessible, and do many other good things - always in combination of course with other digital technologies. But AI can also play a role in deceit and manipulation of public opinion, stoking societal divisions, enforcing senseless bureaucracy, cyberattacks, autonomous weapons, job loss, etc. Moreover the application and promises of AI appear to be premature in the face of autonomous cars going through red traffic lights, unacceptable decisions on granting parole, perpetuation of racial and gender bias in recruitment, etc. This discussion paper provides some ideas to foster positive uses of AI and guard us against negative ones, building further on the ’Barcelona Declaration for the Proper Development and Use of AI in Europe’, which you can read and sign here:


Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence: challenges and opportunities


Accenture - Financial Services, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

Abstract. Blockchain is a technology to manage data and processes in a decentralized and secured manner. Its characteristics make it an interesting choice for developing disintermediated systems of assets transfers or data sharing. In the last four years, this technology has experienced a big impulse, with thousands of startups being created, open source frameworks developed and significant investments made by big companies.

All the blockchain developments are happening at the same time that artificial intelligence is becoming mainstream in the industry. Despite Blockchain is at a different point in the adoption path than some artificial intelligence applications, it is possible to see confluence points between them from two main perspectives: blockchain can be seen as a multi-agent system in itself and from a different perspective, it can be the necessary infrastructure for other autonomous systems to be audited.

Is Blockchain a hype? Or is it mature? What are the industry expectations about this technology? How AI relates to it? These questions will be addressed in the talk where several real use cases and industry feedback will be shared.



List of Contributions


The contributed papers are grouped along thematic sessions and organized in oral presentations or posters.


Oral Presentations

  1. Clause Branching in MaxSAT and MinSAT.
    Josep Argelich, Chu-Min Li, Felip Manyà and Joan Ramon Soler
  1. DeciMaxSum: Using Decimation to Improve Max-Sum on Cyclic DCOPs.
    Jesus Cerquides, Rémi Emonet, Gauthier Picard and Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar
  1. Style painting classifier based on Horn clauses and Explanations (SHE).
    Vicent Costa, Pilar Dellunde and Zoe Falomir
  1. A lattice structure for the set of interval-valued fuzzy-qualitative labels.
    Francesc Prats, Mónica Sánchez and Núria Agell

  1. The Effect of Space-Time Representation Learning in Predicting People’s Next Location.
    Abdulrahman Al-Molegi and Antoni Martínez Ballesté.
  1. Quaternion Phase CNN.
    E. Ulises Moya-Sánchez, Sebastian Colores, Abraham Sánchez and Ulises Cortés. 
  1. Towards a Universal Neural Network Encoder for Time Series.
    Joan Serrà, Santiago Pascual and Alexandros Karatzoglou
  1. Determining Classic versus Modern Style in Fashion.
    Javier Tauste, Miguel Angel González, Lledó Museros, Ismael Sanz, Dolores Llidó and Luis Gonzalez-Abril.

  1. A method to integrate semantic criteria into a recommender system based on ELECTRE outranking relations.
    Sílvia Buira and Aida Valls
  1. Web pattern navigation profiling for online marketing campaigns design support under a data science approach.
    Arturo Palomino and Karina Gibert
  1. Feature-Tree Labeling for Case Base Maintenance.
    Nariman Nakhjiri, Maria Salamó and Miquel Sànchez-Marrè
  1. On the analysis of utility and risk for masked data in big data: a small data analysis.
    Vicenç Torra

  1. An Argumentation Approach for Agreement Analysis in Reddit Debates.
    Teresa Alsinet, Josep Argelich, Ramón Béjar and Santi Martínez
  1. Tweet sentiment visualization and classification using manifold dimensionality reduction.
    Francisco Grimaldo, Emilia López-Iñesta, Juan José Garcés-Iniesta, Juan Gómez-Sanchis, Daniel García-Costa, Eusebio Marqués-Benítez and Emilio Soria-Olivas
  1. N-Channel Convolutional Neural Networks for Irony Detection in Twitter.
    Mohammed Jabreel, Najlaa Maaroof, Ammar Acran and Antonio Moreno
  1. Enhancing Text Spotting with a Language Model and Visual Context Information.
    Ahmed Sabir, Francesc Moreno-Noguer and Lluís Padró.

  1. CuisineNet: Food Attributes Classification using Multi-scale Convolution Network.
    Md. Mostafa Kamal Sarker, Mohammed Jabreel, Hatem A. Rashwan, Syeda Furruka Banu, Vivek Kumar Singh, Antonio Moreno, Petia Radeva and Domènec Puig
  1. Retinal Optic Disc Segmentation using Conditional Generative Adversarial Network.
    Vivek Kumar Singh, Hatem A. Rashwan, Farhan Akram, Nidhi Pandey, Md. Mostafa Kamal Sarker, Adel Saleh, Saddam Abdulwahab, Najlaa Maaroof, Jordina Torrents Barrena, Santiago Romani and Domènec Puig
  1. An approach to Gait Analysis from Human-Rollator Interaction: The i-Walker.
    Atia Cortés, Maribel Ojeda, Javier Béjar and Antonio B. Martínez
  1. Sentient Embodied Conversational Agents: Architecture and Evaluation.
    Dolça Tellols, Maite Lopez-Sanchez, Inmaculada Rodriguez and Pablo Almajano


Session 1

  1. What is the Physics of Intelligence?.
    Xerxes D. Arsiwalla, Camilo M. Signorelli, Jordi-Ysard Puigbò, Ismael T. Freire and Paul Verschure 
  1. Using wearable sensors to detect workload on driving simulated scenarios.
    Víctor Corcoba, Zoe Falomir and Nourelhoda Mohamed
  1. Limits of Multi-Agent Predictive Models in the Formation of Social Conventions.
    Ismael T. Freire, Xerxes D. Arsiwalla, Jordi-Ysard Puigbò and Paul F. M. J. Verschure
  1. Cognitive Architecture: the key to AI-Based Digital Transformation in Organizations.
    Karla Olmos-Sánchez and Jorge Rodas-Osollo
  1. Loss aversion fosters coordination in independent reinforcement learners.
    Marco Jerome Gasparrini, Martí Sánchez-Fibla

  1. Big Data Analytics for Obesity Prediction.
    Ahsan Bilal, Alfredo Vellido and Vicent Ribas
  1. A Study on Contextual Influences on Automatic Playlist Continuation.
    Anna Gatzioura, Miquel Sànchez-Marrè and Alípio Mário Jorge
  1. eXiT*CBR: a tool supporting RRI.
    Beatriz López and Carles Pous
  1. Including Hard Restrictions into Diet4You Menu Planner.
    Beatriz Sevilla-Villanueva, Karina Gibert and Miquel Sànchez-Marrè
  1. On Boolean algebras of conditionals and probabilities of conditionals.
    Tommaso Flaminio, Lluis Godo and Hykel Hosni

  1. Do Positive Twitter Messages Have Impact on Stock Liquidity?.
    Aliasghar Abdirahmani and Cecilio Angulo
  1. A new algorithm for speech enhancement based on multivariate empirical mode decomposition.
    Pere Marti-Puig, Esteve Gallego-Jutglà, Gerard Masferrer and Jordi Solé-Casals
  1. Classifying and Generalizing Successful Parameter Combinations for Sound Design.
    Iván Paz, Àngela Nebot, Francisco Múgica and Enrique Romero
  1. A Visual Distance for WordNet.
    Raquel Pérez-Arnal, Armand Vilalta, Dario Garcia-Gasulla, Ulises Cortés, Eduard Ayguadé and Jesus Labarta

Session 2

  1. Towards Detecting Structures in Computational Astrophysics Plasma Simulations: using Machine Learning for Shock Front Classification.
    Carmen Aloy Torás, Petar Mimica and Marcelino Martínez Sober
  1. Complex Network Multiresolution for Optimal Sensor Placement in Big Urban Infrastructures.
    Manuel Herrera, Robert Wright, Carlo Giudicianni, Armando di Nardo and Joaquín Izquierdo
  1. Go with the Flow: Recurrent Networks for Wind Time Series Multi-Step Forecasting.
    Jaume Manero, Javier Béjar and Ulises Cortés
  1. Sorting Hams using Bagged Decision Trees in a commercial pig slaughterhouse.
    Gerard Masferrer, Ricard Carreras, Pere Marti-Puig and Moises Serra
  1. A Fuzzy Learning Method to Segment Visitors of a Tourist Attraction.
    Jennifer Nguyen, Albert Armisen, German Sánchez-Hernández, Núria Agell and Cecilio Angulo
  1. Measuring distances between medical entities. Step 1: DrugBank.
    Alberto Olivares-Alarcos, Iva Stankovic, Humberto González and Horacio Rodríguez
  1. Unsupervised Systems-Level Learning Mechanism Based on Bayesian-Inference.
    Jordi-Ysard Puigbò, Xerxes D. Arsiwalla and Paul Verschure

  1. Brain MR Image Segmentation Using Multiphase Active Contours Based on Local and Global Fitted Images.
    Farhan Akram, Vivek Kumar Singh, Md. Mostafa Kamal Sarker, Miguel Angel Garcia and Domènec Puig
  1. Hybr-iT Project: Initial Steps Towards Contextual Robotic Manipulation for Human-Robot Teams in Industrial Environments.
    José de Gea Fernández, Nils Niemann, Sebastian Stock, Martin Günther, Dennis Mronga, Hendrik Wiese, Elsa Kirchner, Stefan Stiene
  1. Considering the Anchoring Problem in Robotic Intelligent Bin Picking.
    Diego Escudero-Rodrigo and René Alquézar
  1. Vehicle Pose Estimation using G-Net: Multi-Class Localization and Depth Estimation.
    Javier García López, Antonio Agudo and Francesc Moreno-Noguer
  1. Foreground detection in a multi-target fish tracking from video-recordings using U-net based architecture.
    Ramon Reig-Bolano, Moises Serra i Serra and Pere Marti-Puig
  1. On Improving Breast Density Segmentation using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks.
    Nasibeh Saffari, Hatem A. Rashwan, Blas Herrera and, Santiago Romani, Meritxell Arenas and Domènec Puig


Download the complete list of contributed papers here.

Instructions for Speakers and Posters


All contributed papers will have a 20min presentation, including questions. The room will provide a laptop in windows with Office and OpenOffice available. The current versions are:

  • Microsoft Office 2016

  • Adobe Acrobat 15 DC

  • OpenOffice 4.1.5

  • VideoLAN VLC 3.0.4

Please contact your chairman before your session and upload the presentation in advance to avoid unnecessary delays during your sessions.

Scheduling is essential for the whole conference development. Your chairman will use color cards to indicate your timinigs:

  • GREEN card: 5 min left

  • YELLOW card: 3 min left

  • RED card: OUT OF TIME


Poster Sessions

In CCIA 2018, there are two poster sessions scheduled by Tuesday 9th 11:00-12:00 and Friday 10th 11:40-12:40. In List of Contributions section Posters, you will find the session of your poster and a thematic block, and the number used to identify your poster. 

The chairman of the poster sessions are:

  • Poster Session 1: Lledó Museros (

  • Poster Session 2: Vicent Costa ( 

Contact your poster chairman before September 30th and send a ppt presentation consisting in 3 slides of 30 seconds each with a total duration of 90 seconds per author to be linked together in a PechaKucha-like presentation. The first slide must contain the title of the work and the author’s names and affiliations. Your poster chairman will link all presentations and include slides indicating the thematic blocs.

The poster size should be no larger than A0 size (1189 x 841 mm), portrait layout.

The conference room will have space in the walls for hanging the posters. The posters area will be conveniently labelled with the title of your assigned thematic block and the number of your poster. You can hang your poster either after the sessions of the previous day, or before 9:00 o’clock on the day of your poster session or during the coffee break previous to your poster session. A member of the Local Committee will provide scotch to you and help if required.

The poster session will start with the brief oral presentations of all the posters in the session in which each of you can make a briefing of your work giving a clear and concise idea about the goal of the work and the results/contributions achieved.

After the presentations, move in front of your poster to attend questions of attendees.

Remove your posters at the end of the day. Before removing your poster, be sure that Dr. Miquel Sànchez Marrè has come to register the votes of your poster for the best Poster Award before removing.

Detailed Conference Programme

 Download the detailed programme here.